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School Selection Success
WATCH FIRST: Welcome to School Selection Success! (2:12)
Understanding Key Terms and Definitions
The Timeline for the School Selection Process (10:17)
Course Downloads
Module #1: Narrowing Down the Options
Welcome to Module 1 (0:58)
Soul Searching Pt. 1: Your Family's Values (1:57)
Soul Searching Pt. 2: Your Child (1:36)
Soul Searching Pt. 3: Logistical Constraints (2:37)
Soul Searching Pt. 4: Other Factors to Consider (8:17)
Understanding Grades of Entry: Preschool, TK, and Kindergarten (Why Your Child's Age Matters!) (5:04)
Understanding Grades of Entry: 6th Grade and Non-Traditional Entry Points (1st-5th, 7th-8th) (3:53)
Non-Traditional Schooling Options (3:02)
Researching Pt. 1: Where to Find Accurate and Current Data About Bay Area Schools (2:29)
Researching Pt. 2: Digging Deeper (3:07)
Researching Pt. 3: How to Interpret the Data (2:29)
Researching Pt. 4: Data to Prioritize (1:31)
Module #2: The Application and Enrollment Process
Welcome to Module 2 (1:15)
Before You Apply Pt. 1: Ravenna and School Inquiries (2:12)
Before You Apply Pt. 2: Admissions Events (4:02)
Before You Apply Pt. 3: Crafting Your Final List (3:57)
Completing Applications Pt. 1: Deadlines (2:26)
Completing Applications Pt. 2: Parent Essays (5:25)
Completing Applications Pt. 3: Student Essays (Middle School Only) (1:19)
Completing Applications Pt. 4: Teacher Recommendations (3:07)
Completing Applications Pt. 5: Transcripts, Photos, and Fees (2:37)
Completing Applications Pt. 6: Disclosing Diagnoses and Special Needs (1:36)
Interviews, Assessments, and Testing Pt. 1: Parent Interviews (4:47)
Interviews, Assessments, and Testing Pt. 2: Student Assessments and Visits (TK & Kindergarten) (6:09)
Interviews, Assessments, and Testing Pt. 3: Student Assessments and Visits (1st-8th Grade) (3:14)
Interviews, Assessments, and Testing Pt. 4: IQ Tests (2:36)
Interviews, Assessments, and Testing Pt. 5: Standardized Tests (1st-8th Grade) (4:44)
After the Applications: Do's and Don'ts (4:05)
The Public School Process Pt. 1: Neighborhood School Assignments (2:14)
The Public School Process Pt. 2: Lottery Assignment Systems (2:20)
The Public School Process Pt. 3: Intradistrict Transfers (1:43)
The Public School Process Pt. 4: Interdistrict Transfers (2:04)
The Public School Process Pt. 5: Charter Schools (1:44)
Module #3: Dollars and Cents
Welcome to Module 3 (0:44)
The Cost of Private School (3:35)
Financial Aid: How the Process Works Pt. 1 (2:29)
Financial Aid: How the Process Works Pt. 2 (3:05)
Financial Aid: How to Predict Your Award (1:57)
Module #4: Decision Time
Welcome to Module 4 (0:35)
Decision Week Pt. 1: The Three Possible Outcomes (2:17)
Decision Week Pt. 2: Accepting Offers (1:58)
Decision Week Pt. 3: Navigating Different Scenarios (3:52)
Navigating Waitlists Pt. 1: Getting Waitlisted at a Top Choice (2:33)
Navigating Waitlists Pt. 2: Backing Out of a Signed Contract (3:03)
Navigating Waitlists Pt. 3: How to Get from Waitlisted to Accepted (1:53)
The Unlikely Worst Case Scenario: What to Do If You Don't Get Into Any Schools (2:41)
Public School Assignments Pt. 1: What to Do Once You Receive Your Assignment (1:59)
Public School Assignments Pt. 2: Waitlists (2:31)
Module #5: Special Circumstances
Welcome to Module #5 (0:38)
Timing Issues Pt. 1: Moving or Relocating (3:18)
Timing Issues Pt. 2: Late or Off-Cycle Applications (1:25)
Timing Issues Pt. 3: Mid-Year Transfers (2:10)
Special Education and Neurodiverse Students (Public Schools) (2:23)
Special Education and Neurodiverse Students (Private Schools) (5:28)
What to Do if a School Doesn’t Renew Your Contract (2:15)
Getting Counseled Out of a Private School (1:15)
Finding Placement for an 8th Grade Student (1:09)
How to Handle Bullying or Harrassment of Your Child (1:17)
Course Wrap-Up
Final Thoughts and Where to Go From Here (0:50)
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